Home Community Video World's Largest Rope Swing

World's Largest Rope Swing

Uploaded By: Christopher Hagedorn. Added on: 24 May 2012. Location Moab Utah


Check out the making of this video on my second channel!!! :)

Download the song from the video on iTunes!!! It was made by "Can't Stop Won't Stop"!

Film made by Devin Graham
Make sure to subscribe to my channel for new vids almost each week!

I also had several friends help film this! Here they are!

Dusty Hulet
Cameron Manwaring
Dillon Manwaring
Sean Wright
Tristan Wright

As far as making the camera look like it was "flying", I used a glidecam 2000 HD for all those shots. You can check out the exact model on their official website below where you can also buy them, and I don't get paid to say that :)


My friend Jacob Schwarz color corrected the video! Make sure to check out his channel!

A super shout out to my friend Austin who helped organize this and make it happen!

And guess what, I am running for "King of The Web", so make sure to vote for me in the link below!!! :)


As far as a techincal level goes...

This was filmed on...
A Canon 5D Mark II
Canon 7D
Canon 60D
IPhone 4S (for one of the shots)
GoPro HD 1 cameras
Epic Red One camera (for a couple shots)

We filmed this in Moab Utah

And last but not least, make sure to follow me on twitter and facebook, it's the cool thing to do these days :)

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